Tactical Event Security - Professional security for a safe and successful event

Events bring together large numbers of people, presenting unique security challenges. Whether it’s a festival, sporting event, corporate party, or VIP gathering, Does Security offers tailored tactical event security. Our specialists ensure that your event runs smoothly and safely, without compromising the guest experience. With a combination of preventive measures, crowd control, and immediate response, we are the ideal partner for professional event security across the Netherlands.

  • Before the event:

    ✔ Risk analysis & security plan – We analyze the location, visitor numbers, and threat levels to develop a tailored security strategy.
    ✔ Collaboration with local authorities – We work closely with the police, municipality, and emergency services to ensure smooth and safe event organization.
    ✔ Access control and site security – Preventive measures to avoid unwanted situations.

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  • During the event:

    ✔ Professional security & crowd control – Experienced security personnel oversee and manage the flow of visitors.
    ✔ Access control & screening – Strict checks on bags and individuals to prevent prohibited items from entering.
    ✔ VIP and artist security – Dedicated security for prominent guests and performers.
    ✔ Quick response to incidents – Our team is trained to act swiftly and professionally in emergencies.

  • After the event:

    ✔ Safe departure of visitors & staff – Preventing disturbances and unsafe situations after the event.
    ✔ Evaluation and reporting – Analyzing the event to further optimize future security measures.

Voor welke evenementen is onze tactische beveiliging geschikt?

Muziekfestivals & concerten

Bescherming van artiesten, crew en publiek.


Veiligheidsbeheer voor deelnemers en toeschouwers.

Bedrijfsevenementen & beurzen

Beveiliging op maat voor zakelijke bijeenkomsten.

Politieke & VIP-bijeenkomsten

Bescherming van hoogwaardigheidsbekleders en sprekers.

Privéfeesten & exclusieve evenementen

Discrete en efficiënte beveiliging voor luxe bijeenkomsten.

Waarom Does Security voor uw evenement?

Ervaren en gecertificeerde beveiligers – Getraind in crowd management, conflictbeheersing en EHBO.
Maatwerk beveiligingsplannen – Elk evenement vereist een unieke aanpak, en wij leveren op maat gemaakte oplossingen.
Discreet, professioneel en daadkrachtig – Onze beveiligers handelen preventief en doortastend bij incidenten.
Samenwerking met autoriteiten – Een geïntegreerde aanpak voor maximale veiligheid.